The mandate of the department is to lead on socio-economic transformation and implementation of the empowerment and participation of women, youth and persons with disabilities through mainstreaming, advocacy, monitoring and evaluation.
A transformed, inclusive society free from all forms of discrimination and capable of self-actualization.
To provide strategic leadership, coordination and oversight to government departments and the country in mainstreaming empowerment programmes on women, youth and persons with disabilities.
The department will place society at the centre of its work through: - Treating people with respect; - Conducting ourselves with integrity; - Being accountable for our actions; and - Striving for excellence and equity in all that we do. In interacting with stakeholders, we will act with fairness, respect and demonstrate teamwork and commitment to the cause. In delivering our mandate we will honour the faith that is placed in us as the Ministry and Department responsible for advancing the cause of women
Fedsure Forum Building
1st Floor
268 Lilian Ngoyi Street
South Africa